Visionary Family Weekend
at Henderson’s First Baptist Church
with Rob Rienow
of Visionary Family Ministries
Save the Dates! January 18-19-20
Friday, January 18th, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Heart Connection with your Student
- For parents and students (grade 4 – 12)–(parents of younger children can come too)
- Family fun and pizza
- A great message from Rob Rienow
Push back the world’s message that the lives of children and parents separate in the teen years. Hear how the heart connection, honor, and forgiveness are essential for the success of your teen.
Saturday, January 19th, 2:30-5:00 p.m.
Visionary Parenting and Grandparenting
- For parents, grandparents and parents-to-be of children and teens of all ages.
Through the study of the Bible you will capture a biblical vision for the eternal and spiritual purpose of parenting. The Lord will empower you for life-changing action that will transform your family for generations to come.
Dinner Break with Rob Rienow 5-6 p.m.
Reservations required
Saturday, January 19th, 6 – 8:30 p.m.
Never Too Late: Encouraging Faith in Your Adult Child
- For parents, grandparents, empty nesters, mentors, patriarchs, matriarchs and anyone who knows someone in this category
Like it or not, there are definite generational differences in the ways that faith has been passed down through families. Parents and grandparents from the last few generations grew up in a time when faith was not discussed as openly as it should have been. As a result, today’s parents did not learn how to discuss the most important issues with their children. This session will inspire you to connect with your adult child and your grandchildren by giving you practical ways to encourage faith in their hearts without feeling like you’re meddling or intruding.
Sunday, January 20th – 8, 9:30 and 11 services
Rob Rienow preaching, “Your Family and God’s Plan for the World.”
-Cost for the entire weekend – Adults $10, $5 flat fee for families bringing students or children (regardless of how many or few you may have)
-Scholarships available
-You can attend all or just some of the sessions.
-Childcare is available for all sessions by reservations only.
-Reservations necessary for the Friday night session and the dinner break on Sat.
-Call 826-2332 or go to for more information