Mission Testimony July 22, 2019 Darrin Phegley Uncategorized Sharing Your Mission Experience Name* First Last Email* Questions to help you reflect on your experienceWhat was the strategy of the field partner? (VBS, conference, evangelism etc…. why was your team going?)What did you do as part of this strategy?What moments do you never want to forget? What moments broke your heart? What moments made you smile?In what ways are you different today than when you began this journey?What is one story or interaction that show what you learned by what you did and or how people can pray and join in the work?What was the funniest moment or story?Your TestimonyUse your answers to write a 1-3 minute story to share what you did, how it was important, and how someone can partner and pray for the work. Share your written mission trip testimony:* Δ