Sermons by Rev. Chuck Henderson

Sermons by Rev. Chuck Henderson

When God Leads His Church

When God Leads His ChurchExodus 11-15 Reading through that lens led me to observe some steps by Israel that we may very well see in our church when we decide to get serious about letting go of our agendas, and letting God lead us in His; and where that begins is in the leadership… Throughout history, one observes that when a need in God’s people arises, God raises up a human instrument to perform His will.  When honest biographies are written, it’s clear that all of these men and women…

A Life of Faith… and Hard Work

A Life of Faith… and Hard WorkJoshua 17-21 by Pastor Chuck Henderson I love to sing and speak about grace – that salvation is all of God and His incredible, unmerited deliverance of us from all our sins.  It’s just so freeing.  But perhaps you have joined me in praying at times: “Lord, I thank You for Your salvation and the promise of heaven.  But… couldn’t you have made things a little easier for me on earth?”  It’s like that scene from Fiddler on the Roof when Tevia is talking to God and…

Leaving a Legacy of Faith

Leave a Legacy of FaithJoshua 14 I only have 2 main points today, and the first is as simple as the second, that is… Caleb was exceptional only because his faith was wholly in His God It is right that we should love this episode in Israel’s life and 85-year-old Caleb’s bold desire to lead out in this new phase of the conquest.  But hear me, you younger men and women of our church – if you want to be this kind…

“God, I’ve got a question: Why…?”

“God, I’ve got a question: Why…?” Habakkuk As your true heart is more deeply revealed to yourself, and you struggle to align yourself with God’s heart, it leads you further away from being an enemy of God, and further towards life as a child of God who lives by faith. A faith-filled Christ-follower will bow the knee not just before God’s power, but also before His love and goodness. At its core, fear is overcome by the firm conviction in…

Be Filled With the Spirit

Be Filled With the SpiritEphesians 5:18-20by Pastor Chuck Henderson Today marks a new chapter in our church’s ministry, and it’s important for us to see it clearly When a new pastor comes, one begins to see his values and priorities through not only what he preaches about, but also in the programmatic initiatives that he brings Clearly, Pastor Sam values prayer, as this was his first sermon series; and he also values discipleship, for he has brought Discipleship Groups to…

Markers of a Healthy Church

Rev. Chuck Henderson delivers a timely message called Markers of a Healthy Church. His text is Colossians 1: 3-8. Click on the marker in the video timeline to jump to the sermon.