We have made joining Henderson’s First Baptist Church a process that better allows us to get to know one another. Christians are, after all, called to a “one another” kind of faith.
So here’s how to join in three easy steps:
1. Complete the First Steps Devotional, available at the Connection Center or through the church office. Fill out the final page of the devotional and either turn it in to the church office or give it to one of our ministerial staff members who will follow up with you. You may download the devotional HERE.
2. Attend a “First Steps” new member class & luncheon. Register by calling the church office or register ONLINE here!
3. You will be contacted by one of our ministerial staff members for follow up. Upon completion of these three steps your name will be presented to the church body at our next members’ meeting where we will celebrate your becoming part of the HFBC family!
We look forward to partnering with you on your journey of faith. Click here for additional resources we have available.