The Dragon Is Real
Revelation 12
by Rev. Chuck Henderson
- Scene 1: The dragon, a woman and a Son, 12:1-6
- Scene 2, Part 1: The dragon, a war and the kingdom of God, 12:7-12
- Scene 2, Part 2: The dragon, the woman and her offspring, 12:13-17
- Not only are we preparing our children for war, but we – parents, grandparents – we ourselves are in the war.
- You cannot fight a war without great intentionality and even intensity. You have to not only count the cost, but pay the cost.
Three specific challenges:
- Your confession and life choices must align. (Col. 3:1; Eph. 4:1; 5:1)
- Pursue the full extent of discipling as it is outlined in Deut. 6 – disciple your child “when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”
- You simply cannot lead your child in a “sinner’s prayer” and then believe he or she is good to go.
- Examine your life’s priorities for where you invest your time and energy. (Matt. 13:45-46; 6:33; Phil. 3:8)
- Prioritize your spiritual investment over all others.
- Prioritize both quality AND quantity time with your children.
- Prioritize the engagement of your child’s spiritual disciplines.
- Prioritize your engagement in what they are learning.