
IG Class with Jacob Clutts

We exist to develop generations of God-glorifying Disciples who make Disciples from the community to the continents.

At the core of our mission, HFBC seeks to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) we do this in a number of ways:

  • Church Ordinances – We believe in the importance of gathering together in celebration of both believers baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
  • Meaningful Membership Class – In order to introduce inquirers to our church, we host a class on Sunday mornings that lasts for about four hours. These occur at least four times a year, and include a lunch with all our staff. Click here to have someone contact you about the next class.
  • Small Groups – We have a wide variety of classes for all ages on Sunday morning. We also host multiple topical studies on Wednesday nights. Navigate through all our Small Groups options by selecting Ministries in the top menu.
  • Discipleship Groups — To help grow our members in prayer and Bible Study, we form groups of 3-5 same-sex individuals who meet together once a week. Each group lasts for a year before re-forming with new members. We follow a prescribed reading plan and enjoy great spiritual fellowship. Learn more by contacting the church office.