Raising children in uncertain times can be a daunting task. Our VISION at Henderson’s First Baptist is to partner with parents in training children so that 20 years from now, they will continue to love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.
Ministry Schedule
Sunday Small Group Schedule
Preschool – 9:45 a.m.
Adult – 9:45 a.m.
Children (K—Grade 6) – 9:45 a.m.
Student (Grade 7-12) – 9:45 a.m.
Sunday Family Worship
8:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 6 p.m.
“Ready, Set, Go!” - Preschool Worship for PreK and under
8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday Small Groups
Preschool, Children, Student, Adults – 6-7 p.m.
We would love for you to visit our worship services or small groups. Come to the Connection Center (inside the parking lot entrance) to check in for children’s classes. Meet us at the Connection Center and we will take you to your classes.

Spiritual Growth of the Next Generation
Equipping parents
• Small group studies
• Resources
Bible teaching for all ages
• Age appropriate activities
• Truth78 and LifeWay Curriculum
• Teachers who love kids and love the Bible
Discovering the evidence for what we believe
• Learning opportunities for kids
Intergenerational Classes
One distinctive feature of HFBC’s Ministry to Emerging Generations is Intergenerational Classes. We firmly believe that parents are to be the primary faith trainers in the lives of their children.
To equip parents and help children grow spiritually, we utilize the Truth78 curriculum.
During 3 specific spiritual milestones, we encourage parents to attend small group class with their children where parents hear what the child is learning and continue the conversation at home. The parent-child bond is prioritized during this year.
Check out these pages for great opportunities and resources!
Safety and Security
- Properly trained and background checked staff
- Classroom safety procedures
- Cleaning procedures
Celebrating Family Milestones
- Birth – Partnering with parents, the faith influencers
- Kindergarten – Training for worship
- Salvation – Equipping parents to have faith conversations
- Purity – Equipping parents for open conversations
Seasonal Activities
- Vacation Bible School
- Backyard Kids Clubs
- Super Tuesday
- Art Parties
- Musical Productions
- Family Mission Trips
- Family Fellowships
Important Guidelines
Children's Ministry Guidelines
As we try to provide a safe and fun environment that is conducive to learning, we ask that all parents, grandparents and children follow these guidelines when they participate in any Children’s Ministry programs at First Baptist Henderson.
Behavior Guidelines
- Come to church, ready to learn – ready to focus on the One True God and his plan for each of us.
- Please respect your teachers.
– Help your child to appreciate the time the teacher has spent to prepare the lesson
– Children should not talk while the teacher is talking, unless they are directed to do so
– It is appropriate to raise your hand when you would like to speak or answer a question
– When speaking, please use your inside voice - Please respect other students.
– Stay in your own space
– Keep your hands to yourself
– Don’t do things that will distract other learners (For example, toys from home can be a distraction and should be left at home) - Please respect the property of the church.
– Gum or candy stays in your mouth or in the trash can, not under or on the seats in the sanctuary or classrooms
– Write on paper, not on tables or seats in the sanctuary or classrooms
– Our feet stay on the floor and hands by our sides, not on the walls
– Please clean your learning area before you leave
Safety guidelines
- Children and preschoolers should be signed in for all programs at all Sunday and Wednesday services.
– This helps the child’s teacher find a parent in a timely manner in case of emergency
– The sign in sheet also serves as the checklist to be used in case an evacuation is necessary - If the responsible adult is leaving the campus, an emergency phone number must be left on the sign in sheet.
- Parents should accompany children to every classroom to be sure they arrive safely. If the teacher has not arrived, the parent should wait until a responsible adult is in the room before leaving the child.
- Preschoolers and children (babies through grade 5) must be picked up at the end of the session by a parent or the adult who brought them. (siblings may not pick up a child)
- To minimize disruption during teaching time or worship service, parents or responsible adults are advised to accompany their children to the restroom before or after the teaching session or worship service.
- Children should not go to the restroom alone or be allowed to leave the classroom alone during any children’s ministry program or during worship service. Because the general public has access to the building when it is unlocked, our church should be considered a public building. If a child must be taken to the restroom by a teacher, the teacher must stand at the main door of the restroom, prop the door open and wait for the child. This allows the teacher to be in view of another adult.
- Sunday a.m. sessions are “no food zones.” Because of food allergies and the limited amount of time, food will not be served or eaten during this time. If food is served on special occasions, parents will be notified ahead of time.
- Playground rules are posted. The FBC playground is designed for children ages 2-5. Older children should not play on the playground set. Their presence in the playground area is a safety risk for younger children.
If you have questions or concerns about these guidelines, please contact the Director of Preschool and Children’s Ministries, Mrs. Ellie Coursey at ecoursey@fbchenderson.org
Preschool Guidelines
Preschool Department Guidelines
One of the goals of First Baptist Church is to provide quality teaching to preschoolers when they come to church. To accomplish this goal, the Preschool Ministry Leadership Team strives to coordinate planning among preschool workers, parents, another church leaders so everyone works fro the same principles to better meet the preschooler’s physical, social, mental, emotional and spiritual needs. We want to make our Preschool Department a safe and loving environment in which our children can learn.
Guidelines for Parents
- Preschoolers (birth through three) and their teachers are the only persons permitted in their department. Observing this policy will provide greater safety for children, decrease the risk of transmission of infectious diseases, and will enable the teachers to provide activities to meet the needs of each child. The teacher will receive the child at the door.
- Children who show signs of illness, such as high temperature, cannot be accepted in a preschool department. The teachers are not able to give medication to any child. A child will not be accepted into the preschool area when on of the following exists:
- Fever (>100.5F) during the past 24 hours
- Vomiting or diarrhea in the past 24 hours
- Any symptom of infectious or contagious disease
- Croup
- Unexplained rash
- Any skin infection-boils, ringworm, and impetigo
- Pinkeye and other eye infections
- Children are to be brought and called for by a parent or responsible adult. Children should not pick up siblings or other children. The person who was given the numbered “Kiddie Keeper” or the pager is the only person who is authorized to pick up the child. Please inform the teacher if there are non-custodial parent issues of which we should be aware.
- In order to minimize confusion or anxiety during transition times, it is recommended that a parent call for the child only when they are leaving. The Connection Center personnel or Preschool Coordinator will be happy to check on a child if necessary.
- During the transition time on Sunday mornings, a light nutritious snack will be served to children (age 1-PreK). Please inform us of any food allergies.
- A baby’s nutritional needs will be met according to his/her parent’s instructions. If baby food is to be given, we ask that a parent stay to feed the child.
- Table food will not be served in a preschool department except during a session when mealtime is a part of the program.
- Food allergies should be noted on the sign in sheet for the child and the teacher should be alerted immediately. An allergy alert sticker must be placed on the child for every session he or she attends.
- Toys should not be brought from home. If they are, they will be placed in the cubbie. If a child requires a special “blankie” or toy to feel safe or comfortable in a new place, please let the teacher know.
- Items such as diaper bags, jackets, cups and bottles should be labeled with the child’s first and last name.
- Parents are asked to fill out an Emergency Information sheet for each child.
Guidelines for Workers
- Workers in a preschool department should be Christians. Workers in the baby class should be at least 17 years of age. Any deviation from this must have approval of the Director of Preschool and Children’s Minsitries.
- All preschool workers, both volunteer and employed shall submit to a background check.
- All workers are expected to read the recommended church study course books and take advantage of training opportunities provided by the church and association.
- All workers are expected to study curriculum materials for their particular age group and to plan activities so appropriate religious education can take place when boys and girls attend church.
- All workers should arrive in the classroom at least 15 minutes before teaching is to begin.
- All workers are expected to show love, understanding and acceptance for all boys and girls with whom they work.
- All workers should greet children as they arrive with a bright smile and warm words.
- Workers are expected to sit on a child-sized chair or on the floor. (exceptions can be made for health reasons)
- All workers are responsible for regular contacts of absentees and prospects and to provide regular ministry to the families they serve.
Preschool Hygiene Practices
Perhaps our most effective way of teaching preschoolers about God, Jesus, the Bible and the Church is through our personal relationship with the child. This means touching the child and helping him/her with things he/she cannot do for themselves such as changing diapers, wiping his/her nose, and caring for scratches and bites. The following guidelines should be helpful to teachers and preschoolers in our department as we attempt to be as sanitary as possible.
- Hands need to be washed frequently to help prevent the spread of germs. Wash hands as soon as you enter the room. Rub hands vigorously with antibacterial soap and water.
- When changing a diaper, place a piece of waxed paper under the child to avoid soiling the surface. Adequately dispose of soiled diapers by wrapping them in waxed paper before placing them in the waste container. Please note–male teachers are not permitted to change diapers.
- Medical quality nitrile gloves will be available to use during diaper changes. Hands must be washed afterward, even when using gloves.
- Wipe drooled saliva with a tissue followed by careful hand washing.
- Wipe nasal secretions, tears or blood with a tissue and follow by carefully washing your hands.
- Dispose of paper towels and tissue after one use.
- Cover any open wound with an adhesive bandage and use disposable gloves.
- A mouthed toy should be gathered when a child seems finished with it and before another child decides to mouth toy. A basin for “soiled” toys can be kept on the shelf to hold contaminated toys until they can be washed and sanitized.
- Toys with smooth surfaces can be washed with dishwashing liquid and warm water. It should be dipped in diluted bleach (1 Tablespoon bleach to one quart of water), rinsed in clear water and allowed to drain dry.
- Toys that cannot be dipped into the solution should be cleaned and wiped with a Clorox wipe after each use.
- Toys should be cleaned after every use in Babies and Ones. This practice will be left to the discretion of the teachers in the other preschool classes.
- Toys will be routinely cleaned and sanitized during quarterly preschool department “clean up days.”
- Any surface (crib railing, eating tray or infant seat) that has been potentially contaminated by a body fluid must be cleaned and wiped with a bleach solution before another child can come in contact with it.
- All sheets should be removed from mattresses and laundered after every use. New sheets are to be placed on the beds immediately before the session begins.
- Continue to teach good hygiene practices to preschoolers.
Guidelines for Use and Care of Preschool Department
- For the safety of our preschoolers, children older than preschool age are not permitted in a preschool department.
- A person under the age of 17 years of age is not to be enlisted as a preschool teacher in the baby class. Teenagers may serve in older preschool classes under the direct supervision of an adult. Any deviation from this is subject to approval by the Director of Preschool and Children’s Ministries.
- The Directors and Teachers of all preschool departments will consult with the Director of Preschool and Children’s Ministries before making any major changes in procedure.
- The church custodian is responsible for keeping the walls, woodwork, floors, windows, halls and restrooms clean and sanitary. Preschool teachers will be responsible for the sanitation of toys and equipment and for keep the rooms clean and free from clutter.
- At the end of each session, workers will be responsible for putting away materials such as books, puzzles, block accessories, pictures and leftover art materials.
- At least two workers are required in preschool rooms for safety reasons and to provide good teaching opportunities for the children.
- Preschoolers are promoted according to the church’s grading and promotion date. Babies and one-year-olds are sometimes promoted earlier. This depends on the yearly plan that is set by the Preschool Sunday School Leadership Team.
- Snacks will be served during church sponsored sessions. Content will be determined based on the needs of the children and allergy considerations.
- When organizations need provisions for preschoolers during church activities, please check with the Director of Preschool and Children’s Ministries.
- When organizations need provisions for preschoolers during times when church is not in session, they should secure their own workers and receive authorization from the Director of Preschool and Children’s Ministries. Note – a man should serve as a “security guard” at the door of the building while the activity is taking place.
- For personal events such as weddings, showers, etc. the preschool facilities may be used according to the guidelines upon approval by the Director of Preschool and Children’s Ministries.
Health Information
Perhaps our most effective way of teaching preschoolers is through our personal relationship with the child. This means meeting needs and helping children with things they cannot do such as changing diapers, wiping noses, and caring for scratches.
- Our teachers and custodial staff do an excellent job of sanitizing our preschool areas to ensure the safety of your child. (per Preschool Department Guidelines)
- Handwashing procedures are noted in the Preschool Department Guidelines.
- Diaper changing procedures are noted in the Preschool Department Guidelines.
- Teachers are asked to stay home if they show signs of illness.
- Children who show the following signs of illness cannot be accepted in a preschool department.
- Fever (>100.5 degrees) during the past 24 hours
- Vomiting or diarrhea during the past 24 hours
- Any symptom of infectious or contagious disease.
- Croup
- Unexplained rash
- Any skin infections – boils, ringworm, and impetigo
- Pinkeye and other eye infections
- If your child has a special need or allergy, please let the volunteer staff know.