Marriage is foundational to the success of your family as well as our church and community. Grace Marriage is our discipleship pathway that equips couples to GROW TOGETHER.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Who can attend? Any married couple may attend. A couple does not have to be a member of our church to participate.
When are the sessions held? 2025 Saturday dates are: February 8, May 3, August 23 and November 15. Sessions will be held here at HFBC from 8:00am - 12:30pm. A light breakfast and snacks are included.
Who will you be with? You will be in a group with your spouse as well as other couples who want their marriage to grow. Each group will consist of approximately six couples of different ages, plus a trained facilitator couple, that will walk through the day’s material together. Spouses will have personal time together throughout the training to privately discuss the topics addressed.
How do you sign up? Look for our Grace Marriage registration table in the Lobby every Sunday this month where we are waiting to answer your questions. You can also contact John or Betsy Kloke to get registered.
What does it cost? The cost for four sessions, including all materials, snacks, etc is just $200 per couple for the year. That is less than $1 a day for a year! An “early bird” discounted rate of $150 (for all 4 sessions) is offered if all four (4) sessions are paid for in full by January 26, 2025.
Sessions you can attend:
Feb 8, May 3, Aug 23 and Nov 15
$200 for all 4 sessions
(or $150 if paid by 1/26/25)
May 3, Aug 23, Nov 15
$150 for Sessions 2, 3 and 4
Aug 23 and Nov 15
$100 for Sessions 3 and 4
Nov 15
$50 for Session 4 only
*Payment due (cash or check only) one week before each session
Is there a deadline? Yes. Participants must be registered by 6:00 p.m. on Sunday January 26, 2025 in order to participate in the first session.
What about childcare? Grace Marriage sessions last approx. 4½ hours on a Saturday morning. That is a long time for children to be at the church building, even if they have activities. We believe that most children would be happier in their own home or with family/friends they know. We also want to give couples freedom to focus on each other without feeling the need to check on the kids if they are just down the hallway. For these reasons we encourage you to seek other alternatives for childcare. Our best advice would be to consider this Saturday that you have set apart to focus on your marriage as an extended date – time for just the two of you. Make a full day of it if you can – enjoy a date alone together after the coaching session. However, if you are unable to do so, please contact the church in advance and let us know that you will need childcare so that we can make arrangements to have childcare workers present the morning of the session. Contact the church office at (270) 826-2332 for more information regarding childcare or to reserve a spot for your child(ren).
Promo Videos
Check out these videos that aim to encourage participation!