Recommended Reading

Recommended Reading

Recommended Reading List 2015
Pastor Todd Linn


Marriage & Family

Family Driven Faith, by Voddie Baucham

Good News & Crossway

Family Driven Faith equips Christian parents with the tools they need to raise children biblically in a post-Christian, anti-family society. Voddie Baucham, who with his wife has overcome a multi-generational legacy of broken and dysfunctional homes, shows that God has not left us alone in raising godly children. He has given us timeless precepts and principles for multi-generational faithfulness, especially in Deuteronomy 6. God’s simple command to Moses to teach the Word diligently to the children of Israel serves as the foundation of Family Driven Faith.


His Needs, Her Needs, by Willard Harley


It’s no surprise – men and women have radically different priorities. Describing the ten most important needs of men and women, Dr. Harley teaches you how to “affair-proof” your marriage. Learn how to sustain romance, increase intimacy, and deepen your awareness year after year. This 15th anniversary edition features a new preface, plus personal questionnaires and inventories.


The Five Love Languages, by Gary Chapman


How do you express love? With words, gifts, or physical touch? Perhaps you enjoy receiving love by spending time together or through acts of service. Chapman’s bestseller – here in an abridged gift version – helps men and women improve communication and establish a healthy relationship. Makes a meaningful gift for engagements, bridal showers, weddings, or anniversaries. 80 pages, hardcover from Northfield.


Every Man’s Battle: Winning the War on Sexual Purity One Victory at a Time, by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker
Random House

**A Brother Todd “Must Read”

From the television to the Internet, print media to videos, men are constantly faced with the assault of sensual images. It is impossible to avoid such temptations … but, thankfully, not impossible to rise above them. Shattering the perception that men are unable to control their thought lives and roving eyes, Every Man’s Battle shares the stories of dozens who have escaped the trap of sexual immorality and presents a practical, detailed plan for any man who desires sexual purity. Perfect for men who have fallen in the past, those who want to remain strong today, and all who want to overcome temptation in the future. Includes a special section for women, designed to help them understand and support the men they love.


Every Woman’s Battle: Discovering God’s Plan for Sexual and Emotional Fulfillment, by Shannon Ethridge
Random House


When does an affair begin? Not with the first forbidden touch…but with the first forbidden thought. Unexpectedly, you find yourself enjoying a powerful emotional bond with another man. You feel like you matter to someone again. And the door you thought was locked so firmly—the door to sexual infidelity—is suddenly ajar. The only way you can survive the intense struggle for sexual integrity is by guarding not just your body, but your mind and heart as well. Every Woman’s Battle can help you learn to do that. Using real-life stories and examples from her own struggle, Shannon Ethridge helps women like you—whether married, engaged, or planning to marry someday



Morning and Evening, by Charles Spurgeon and Updated by Alistair Begg


Now you can benefit from the spiritual encouragement to be found in this devotional. Noted pastor and author (and Brother Todd’s favorite preacher) Alistair Begg has updated Spurgeon’s language while preserving the dignity and clarity of Spurgeon’s original words. This new revision uses the English Standard Version for the Scripture text. You will enjoy the reliable words of the ESV, a version of the Bible that combines accuracy of translation, readability, and beauty of expression.


The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions, edited by Arthur Bennett
Banner of Truth

**A Brother Todd “Must Read”

Puritans wrote down their prayers as a way of keeping a record of God’s dealings with the soul. Included here are prayers of Bunyan, Watts, Spurgeon, and others. Arranged by theme — from the awesomeness of God to the awfulness of sin — you’ll find promptings for your own heart’s dialogue with your heavenly Father.


Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, by Donald S. Whitney
NAV Press


Far from being legalistic, restrictive, or binding, as they are often perceived, the spiritual disciplines are actually the means to unparalleled spiritual liberty. So if you’d like to embark on a lifelong quest for godliness, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life will help you on your way. Based on the rich heritage left us by the early church fathers, the Puritan writers, and Jesus Christ Himself, Whitney takes you through a carefully selected array of disciplines that includes Scripture reading, prayer, worship, Scripture meditation, evangelism, serving, stewardship, Scripture application, fasting, silence and solitude, journaling, and learning.


Contemporary Issues/Apologetics/Discernment

The Courage to Be Protestant: Truth Lovers, Marketers, and Emergents in the Postmodern World, by David Wells


The Courage to be Protestant is a dynamic argument for the courage to be faithful to what biblical Christianity has always stood for, thereby securing hope for the church’s future.  Wells argues that the historic, classical evangelicalism is one marked by doctrinal seriousness, as opposed to the new movements of the marketing church and the emergent church. He confronts the marketing communities and what he terms their “sermons-from-a-bar stool and parking lots and apres-worship Starbucks stands.” He also takes issue with the most popular evangelical movement in recent years – the emergent church. Emergents are postmodern and post-conservative and post-foundational, embracing a less absolute, understanding of the authority of Scripture than Wells maintains is required.


The Reason for God, by Tim Keller


How could a loving God send people to hell? Why does he allow suffering? Can one religion be “right” and the others “wrong”? Responding to the questions of open skeptics and ardent believers, Keller draws from literature, philosophy, reason, and real-life conversations to explain how faith in a Christian God is a soundly rational belief.


The End of Reason: A Response to the New Atheists, by Ravi Zacharias


Ravi Zacharias has been defending the Gospel for many years, and with the rise of ‘new atheism’ he faces off against what some have termed ‘big science’ – the atheistic community’s ham-fisted attempt to silence any dissent to naturalist evolution. The anti-Christian movement, promoting a sort of ‘pop atheism’ that usually attacks Christians themselves rather than the scientific theories of creationists, has many vocal proponents. Zacharias cuts to the core of the atheist problem and presents a case for truth resolving itself in a presentation of God in the person of Jesus Christ as the intelligence behind the universe, and the end (the culmination, not the cessation) of reason.


Spurgeon: A New Biography, by Arnold Dallimore

Banner of Truth


This will meet the need of those completely ignorant of Spurgeon and his vast achievements, but will also stir the interest of all who value a unique ministry, yielding 62 volumes of “deathless” sermons and many other highly valuable publications


A Short Life of Jonathan Edwards, by George Marsden


Widely acclaimed for his award-winning comprehensive study of the extraordinary 18th-century pastor, preacher, philosopher, and college president, Marsden now offers not an abridgment but an accessible new retelling of the Edwards story designed for students, small groups, and general readers. An illuminating view of history, theology, and everyday life and interactions in the American colonies.


Running the Race: Eric Liddell, Olympic Champion and Missionary, by John Keddie
Evangelical Press


“‘Running the Race’ is a successful and sensitive portrayal of the sporting and spiritual life of Eric Liddell. Particularly unique is the explanation of how athletics and religion were intrinsically linked throughout Liddell’s life…this book still retains the charm and interest required for any landmark sporting biography. A truly inspirational read,” Sam Dobin, Trinity College.


The Hidden Smile of God: The Fruit of Affliction in the Lives of John Bunyan, William Cowper, and David Brainerd, by John Piper


**A Brother Todd “Must Read”

Suffering is never easy, but God can use it as a steppingstone in our spiritual growth. Read the compelling stories of David Brainerd’s struggle with illness, John Bunyan’s imprisonment, and William Cowper’s battle with depression and see how three great servants of God discovered hope in the midst of the harshness of life.



Holiness, by J.C. Ryle

Evangelical Press


John Charles Ryle’s best-known works have been reissued and widely read over many years. The fine qualities of his writings have ensured that his books are still popular and useful. This present volume has become a classic work and is known and loved by many throughout the world. In days when evangelical preachers are accused of being either superficial or dull, we have here a great example from one who was neither of these things. As Anglican Bishop Ryle explains and applies his texts with his customary simplicity and directness, the reader will find his conscience pricked and his soul examined. Ryle’s Holiness has become essential reading on this most important subject and the first chapter on ‘Sin’ has rarely been bettered.


Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate, by Jerry Bridges


**A Brother Todd “Must Read”

As Christians, we believe that all sins are considered equal in God’s eyes. Yet while evangelicals continue to decry the Big Ones—such as abortion, adultery, and violence—we often overlook more deceptive sins. It seems we’ve created a sliding scale where gossip, jealousy, and selfishness comfortably exist within the church. In short, some sins have simply become acceptable. Bridges, bestselling author of The Pursuit of Holiness, believes that just as culture has lost the concept of sin, the church faces the same danger. Jerry writes not from a sense of achievement, but from the trenches of his own personal battles. Drawing from scriptural truth, he sheds light on subtle behaviors that can derail our spiritual growth. Throughout, Jerry encourages a victory over personal sin through the gospel’s transforming power, the perfect release for those who desire to thoughtfully examine their lives and discover a deeper walk with God.


Christian Life

The Gospel for Real Life, by Jerry Bridges


**A Brother Todd “Must Read”

Find out how the gospel is more than eternal salvation–it sets you free daily from sin’s defeat and empowers you to experience God’s abundant life. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the most explosive news of freedom the world has ever heard. Yet, why do so many of His followers experience so little of the gospel’s liberating power? Regrets over our past haunt us, fear and anxiety clutch at us, subtle legalism oppresses us, outright sin entangles us, and we spend much of the day without even thinking of God.


Is God Really in Control? Trusting God in a World of Terrorism, Tsunamis, and Personal Tragedy, by Jerry Bridges


There’s no more crucial topic in today’s world than understanding what God is up to in the midst of personal and global tragedy. Author Jerry Bridges helps readers answer the question “Is God in control?”, offering comfort and hope by exploring the greater purposes of God in light of Scripture.



The Treasure Principle, by Randy Alcorn


Jesus told a story about a hidden treasure that, once discovered, brought life-changing joy. In The Treasure Principle, Randy Alcorn unearths a simple yet profound principle that will radically change your concept of stewardship. Short on guilt, Alcorn illuminates the liberating joy of giving and its impact, not only for today but for eternity as well. A perennial bestseller, this revised edition includes a new concluding chapter, “31 Radical, Liberating Questions to Ask God About Your Giving.”


How to Manage Your Money: An In-Depth Bible Study On Personal Finances, by Larry Burkett


Trusted financial author and teacher Larry Burkett leads you on a step-by-step adventure to eye-opening biblical principles and offers powerful applications you can use immediately. You will learn God’s definition of wealth, the importance of short-range and long-range planning, the dangers associated with the burden of debt, and how to handle a surplus. Designed for use as an individual Bible study or in small groups, the How to Manage Your Money Workbook will help you gain a clearer knowledge of God’s financial plan for you. Experience freedom from financial bondage, increase your potential for use by God, and see the pieces of your financial future fall into place.


Theology/ Doctrine/ Biblical Studies

The Cross of Christ, by John Stott


From one of the foremost preachers and Christian leaders of our day comes theology at its readable best, a contemporary restatement of the meaning of the cross. At the cross Stott finds the majesty and love of God disclosed, the sin and bondage of the world exposed. More than a study of the atonement, this book brings Scripture into living dialogue with Christian theology and the twentieth century. What emerges is a pattern for Christian life and worship, hope and mission. Destined to be a classic study of the center of our faith, Stott’s work is the product of a uniquely gifted pastor, scholar and Christian statesman. His penetrating insight, charitable scholarship and pastoral warmth are guaranteed to feed both heart and mind.


Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine, by Wayne Grudem


**A Brother Todd “Must Read”

The Christian church has a long tradition of systematic theology, that is, studying theology and doctrine organized around fairly standard categories such as the Word of God, redemption, and Jesus Christ. This introductory textbook on systematic theology has several distinctive features:

* A strong emphasis on the scriptural basis for each doctrine and teaching
* Clear writing, with technical terms kept to a minimum
* A contemporary approach, treating subjects of special interest to the church today
* A friendly tone, appealing to the emotions and the spirit as well as the intellect
* Frequent application to life
* Resources for worship with each chapter
* Bibliographies with each chapter that cross-reference subjects to a wide range of other systematic theologies


The Baptist Confession of Faith est 1689, edited by Peter Masters
Wakeman Trust


This is a facsimile edition of the first edition of the Second London Baptist Confession. We call it the “1689” but that was the year it was accepted as the official confession of the Particular Baptist Churches. It was penned and published in 1677. The original edition has an introduction to show the Baptists were not trying to distance themselves from the Reformation, or Protestantism, but sought to embrace the recovery of the gospel and the movement as their own. This edition also has an important appendix virtually unknown to Reformed Baptists today. The appendix argues for an impartial consideration of the Confession and for a Reformed and Baptistic understanding of the Covenant. The text was copied, scanned, cleaned and opaqued in order to present this original document to the world. Read the Confession with the original spelling, misspellings, content, and punctuation, before any subtle changes were made.


Saved Without a Doubt: Being Sure of Your Salvation, by John MacArthur
David C. Cook


With pastoral love and concern, John MacArthur carefully examines classical biblical texts affirming the forever quality of salvation but does not ignore the troubling passages that seem to indicate otherwise. From there, he shows how those truths apply to you by presenting eleven biblical tests to help determine whether you’ve experienced salvation once and for all. He concludes by showing how you can match up your feelings with your faith and persevere through the promise of God and victory in the Spirit. Saved Without a Doubt comes complete with a Reader’s Guide for personal reflection or group discussion.


Christian Puritan Classics/ Church History

The Pilgrim’s Progress, by John Bunyan


**A Brother Todd “Must Read”

Once the most deeply cherished book in English-speaking households other than Bible itself, John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress is the allegorical tale of Christian the pilgrim on his journey to the Celestial City. Along the way, Christian encounters both worthy companions and dreadful adversaries. Although this book was written more than three hundred years ago, this stirring spiritual narrative still bears the power to challenge and encourage readers on their own spiritual journeys.


The Mortification of Sin, by John Owen
Banner of Truth


John Owen insisted on the importance of Christians dealing effectively with their sinful tendencies and attitudes. He believed that God, through his Word and Spirit, has provided the guidelines and the power for this to be achieved. In this book, John Owen effectively dismisses various excuses for not engaging in self-scrutiny and yet avoids the current trend of self-absorption. In so doing he provides principles to help believers live lives of holiness. We owe a great debt to our Christian forefathers who spent time studying the Bible and applying it to the world around them. The Christian Heritage series seeks to take the best and most practical of their works and re-present it for a new generation.


Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis


Arguably the 20th century’s most influential Christian writer, C.S. Lewis sought to explain and defend the beliefs that nearly all Christians at all times hold in common. His simple yet deeply profound classic, originally delivered as a series of radio broadcasts, is a book to be thoroughly digested by believers and generously shared with skeptics.


Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis


Wormwood, a demon apprentice, has been given his first earthly assignment—secure the damnation of a young man who’s just become a Christian. He seeks the advice of an experienced devil—his uncle Screwtape. Their correspondence discloses the psychology of temptation from the other side. Invaluable insights on temptation, pride, the power of prayer, and the ultimate victory of faith over the forces evil.


Sketches from Church History, by S.M. Houghton
Banner Of Truth


This book outlines the thrilling story of the onward march of the Church of Christ from the earliest times to the end of the nineteenth century. It is not a dry-as-dust account of long-forgotten events and controversies, but rather a moving record of those who undertook the adventure of faith before us and, through their courage and steadfastness, left an example for the church in every age. Reading of the exploits of those who have gone before us, through times of prosperity and times of persecution, should stimulate, warn and encourage the church in our own age to persevere in the same path, and obtain the same everlasting reward.