Event Planning Overview July 12, 2016 Darrin Phegley Uncategorized Event Planning Overview A Form used to facilitate planning an event Event BasicsName of Event* Date of Event* MM slash DD slash YYYY Time of Event* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Name of Volunteer Event Coordinator* First Last Phone*Email* Ministerial Staff Member overseeing the event* First Last Target Audience*Church WideWomen's MinistryMen's MinistryStudent MinistryChildren's MinistryMissionsSenior Adult MinistryOtherDescription of EventEvent Purpose and Objectives* Write a brief description of what you are trying to achieve and how this event will further the mission of the church. What elements are vital in order to accomplish the event objectives?*Ministerial Staff InputWhat changes can we make to enhance the quality of this event?*Promotion, participation, follow-up, outreach, Fellowship, worship, etc...How can we ensure that this event fulfills our mission?*Additional Event DetailsEvent Promotion: check all that apply.*Online RegistrationPrint MediaVideo PromoPulpit AnnouncementFacebook/TwitterWebsiteEmailPoster/Banner/FlyerBulletin Announcement Δ