Our Partnership in Brazil
We join longtime church members, Mack and Audrey Shults as they continue the legacy of reaching the people of Brazil with the hope of the gospel. We are blessed to partner with local ministries in Brazil to train generations of disciples who make disciples through seminary training, evangelism, and church planting.
- Pray for Itabaiana Baptist Church in Sergipe, Brazil as they prepare to plant a new church in the neighboring area of Coruja.
- Pray for the financial support of this church planting project.
- Pray for volunteers who will be evangelizing, conducting VBS, and starting Bible studies in Coruja in preparation for launching a new church.
- GIVE ONLINE to support the 2019 mission trip or sponsor a participant!
- Write a check and designate support for the construction of the new church building in Coruja, Brazil (2020) or to support the children’s home. in Brazil.
- Cost of Trip: $2000
- Deadline to register: March 4, 2019 with $100 deposit
- Space limited to 12